
Rusty lake hotel perfect dinner
Rusty lake hotel perfect dinner

Look at the table on the left and pick up the triangle stone. Examine the top picture frame and take the 2 of hearts, then also take the hat from the top of the padlocked cabinet. Turn to the right and talk to Mr Rabbit, taking the 5 of clubs from him. Next open the bottom drawer and take the knife from inside. Room 4: Mr RabbitĮxamine the lamp in the bedroom and take the ace of clubs. Exit and go through the door on the left into Room 4. Talk to Mr Toad and give him the ingredients for "Deer steak with mushrooms and rosemary".Īfter night falls, talk to Mr Crow, then click on him to get a carrot. Turn right and approach the safe, inserting key 1 into slot 4 (which matches the stamp you saw earlier). Turn left and go to the desk, then examine the key rack and take key 1. Back out and examine him twice, then you will end up with some deer meat. Give this to Mr Deer, then get him to drink it. Turn left, then put your poison into the drink and pick it up. Light the candle with your matches, then take the green poison. Put your poisonous powder in the middle container. Turn to the left and examine the apparatus on the left. Put the glass at the bottom of the grinder, insert the seeds in the top and turn the handle, then take the poisonous powder. Use your matches to light the lamp, then click on the seed and the plant twice to get some poisonous seeds. Lift the glass lid on the left and put your seed and water into the pot. Mount the butterfly in the framed display on the left, then click on the insects according to the order you just saw (top, left, right, right, top, top). Catch the butterfly with your empty flask (if the butterfly leaves, come back and try again until you catch it).

rusty lake hotel perfect dinner

Open the right window and the right curtains. Look at the framed picture on the wall above the chemistry equipment and memorise the order. Examine the apparatus on the left and pour your 8dL of water into the bottom flask. Now follow these steps to get a volume of 8dL in the left flask: Turn to the right.Įxamine the unlocked cabinet, then pour water from your bucket into the containers.

rusty lake hotel perfect dinner

Look at the menu to the right to see that you now need to collect a "special ingredient" to complete the drink. Examine the deer skull on the wall and pull the right antler, then quickly use your empty canteen on the nose to collect some Tabasco sauce. Pour this into the glass on the right table. Cut Mr Deer's antler, then collect the blood in your empty canteen. Pour your wodka into the glass on the right table. Tie your bucket to the rope, lower it, raise it, and then take a bucket filled with water. Open the left window and open the curtains to reveal a rope.

rusty lake hotel perfect dinner

Take the empty bucket from the table on the left, the glass from the bottom of the grinder on the wall, and some matches from the bottom drawer. Pull opener the drawer and take the knife. Look at the safe and enter combination 3531 (based on the weights you just calculated).

#Rusty lake hotel perfect dinner plus#

Play with the weights to work out that the plus symbol is 1, the triangle symbol is 3 and the spiral symbol is 5.

rusty lake hotel perfect dinner

Back out and turn right.Įxamine the glass cabinet and unlock it with the key, then open it. Click this to get it to grow, then take the rosemary. Click on the right antler, then click on the second branch of this antler repeatedly until you see a leaf on the left antler. Next examine Mr Deer's research plan on the wall - you need to remember what the red stamp on the corner looks like (you will find one of these in each room, and they will be important later). Examine the lamp on the left and take the key. Talk to Mr Deer, then pick up the wodka from behind his couch. Exit and go through the door on the left into Room 1. Back out, then use the elevator to get up to level 1. Back out and turn right, then examine Mr Owl's portrait and take the mushrooms. Talk to any of the guests now until they say they are going upstairs.Īfter night falls, approach the desk and answer the phone. Turn right once more and give the remaining shrimp cocktails to the 2 final guests. Back out and turn right twice, then give a shrimp cocktail to the 3 guests here. Approach the desk and talk to Mr Crow, then pick up the 5 shrimp cocktails.

Rusty lake hotel perfect dinner